Hostile takeover bids in the European Union: regulatory steps en route to an integrated capital market - DOI: 10.9732/P.0034-7191.2014v109p89


  • András Kecskés
  • Vendel Halász



This paper intends to highlight the regulatory direction concerning hostile takeover bids, along the European Union moves forward. For the first sight it was difficult to forecast the effects of the EU Takeover Directive. Some of its provisions certainly meant asignificant step towards establishing a higher level ofprotection for minority shareholders. However, someother provisions could have indirect adverse effects.The breakthrough rule for instance, as currently implemented into the national laws, seems unlikely to carry any kind of notable benefit in the short term.

There is a fundamental difference that can be revealed between the regulatory systems of the United States and the European Union in terms of their orientation.In the United States the practice of the Delaware courts definitely rejected shareholder decision making innumerous significant decisions concerning takeovers and simultaneously emphasized the importance of directors in corporate management. However, in Europe the regulations rely on shareholder decisionmaking to a much greater extent.

Biografia do Autor

András Kecskés

PhD by University of Pécs – Faculty of Law. Head of Departament in theDepartment of Business and Commercial Law.

Vendel Halász

PhD student in University of Pécs – Faculty of Law. Head of Unit in Auditand Regularities Unit of the Ministry of National Development.


Como Citar

Kecskés, A., & Halász, V. (2015). Hostile takeover bids in the European Union: regulatory steps en route to an integrated capital market - DOI: 10.9732/P.0034-7191.2014v109p89. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Políticos, 109, 89-138.


