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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; if the article has already been published in another language, the author reported it to the journal. This information can be inserted in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs for the references were informed when possible.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underline (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Authors Guidelines, in the About the Journal > Submissions page.

Author Guidelines

The Brazilian Journal of Political Studies – RBEP (Revista Brasileira de Estudos Políticos) – only accepts previously unpublished essays. Submissions must have thematic pertinence with the general topics of interest of the journal, which are described in the link “Focus and Scope” of our site. Contributions may be submitted at any time to the site or to the following e-mail addresses: and, indicating the title, the author’s name and up to four qualifications of the author. The author must necessarily possess the title of PhD, being accepted texts in co-authorship of PhD candidates and their respective advisers. Articles written by more than one author must follow these directives for each of the co-authors. Contributions are received by the secretary of the RBEP, which will send them without any sort of identification to anonymous reviewers for qualitative assessment of the contents of the contribution and of formal aspects. The reviewers may accept the contribution, suggest modifications or refuse it altogether. The author will have access to all the reviews of his/her contribution, without identification of the reviewer. The articles accepted for publication which need further modifications derived from suggestions of the reviewers must be re-submitted to RBEP. The contributions may be written in one of the following languages: Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, French or Italian and must obey the following rules:


1. Opening page

The opening page must contain:

a) The title in the language of the text and in English (if the text is written in English it must include the title in one of the other languages of the journal).

b) An abstract in the language of the text and in English with up to 200 words, including the subject area, the purposes, the method, the result and the conclusion (if the text is written in English it must contain an abstract in one of the other languages of the journal).

c) From 3 to 5 keywords in the language of the contribution and in English (if the keywords are already in English they must be translated into one of the other languages of the journal).

d) The beginning of the article itself.


2. Bibliographical references:

a) References must be given on footnotes, referring to the source according to the following standard: GALEANO, 1981, p. 159.

b) The complete references must be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text, according to the norms of regulation NBR-6023/ABNT of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms, according to the following model:


NIETZSCHE, Friedrich Wilhelm. Assim falou Zaratustra: um livro para todos e para ninguém. Trad. Mário da Silva. 9. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1998.

WEBER, Max. Economy and society. Trans. Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich. 2. ed. Berkeley: University of California, 1978.

Book Chapter:

CUNHA, José Ricardo. Fundamentos axiológicos da hermeneutica jurídica. In: BOUCAULT, Carlos E. de Abreu e RODRIGUEZ, José Rodrigo (Org.). Hermeneutica plural. São Paulo: Martins Fontes. pp. 309-351, 2002.

PERRY, Setephen R. Hart’s methodological positivism. In: COLEMAN, Jules (org.). Hart’s postscript: essays on the postscript to “the concept of law”. Oxford: Oxford University, 2001.


SOMEK, Alexander. Stateless law: Kelsen’s conception and its limits. InOxford Journal of Legal Studies, v. 26, n. 4, pp. 753-774, 2006.

c) Diagrams, boards and tables must have a title and have their sources indicated on footnotes.


3. Structure of the paper

a) Size of the paper: A4

b) Format of file: .doc or .rtf

c) Source: Times New Roman, 12.

d) Margins: left, superior, right and inferior: 2,5 cm.

e) Paragraphs, space before and after: 0 pt.

f) Space between lines: double.

4. Extension

a) Articles: up to 30 pages.


5. Final regulations:

The authors of the contributions published at RBEP are fully and exclusively responsible for their papers.

Submissions of manuscripts to the Brazilian Journal of Political Studies shall include a cover sheet containing the full professional address (including city, state or province, postal code and country), the institutional affiliation of the authors, as well as their preferred e-mail addresses. This information will be displayed at the journal in case the manuscript is accepted for publication. While submitting contributions to the journal, the authors must inform the editor about eventual conflicts of interests that may occur during the reviewing process and the publication stage. These conflicts will be resolved by a single and non-reviewable decision of the Scientific Board. The copyrights of the essays published at the Brazilian Journal of Political Studies are property of their authors. Nevertheless, any remission to the text published at the journal must mention its publication therein, including full bibliographical references.


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