Women, engineering and gender equality

Brazil and United States pathway


  • Denise Almeida de Andrade Centro Universitário Christus - UNICHRISTUS
  • Monica Sapucaia Machado IDP https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1473-1042
  • Chiquita Howard-Bostic Shepherd University, West Virginia (US)




Equality, Women, Technology, Women Engineering


BACKGROUND: Inequality between men and women continues to produce detrimental effects that reproduce past discriminatory behaviors and actions in the 21st century. We argue that professional training, financial support, economic autonomy, and structural adjustments are essential for women to overcome gender equity barriers.

OBJECTIVE: The research's primary goal is to analyze women's enrollment in Brazil's engineering courses to explain why men are a demographic majority in the profession. Given this international reality, we also plan to show how access to the knowledge areas of engineering and disparities in engineering study is also relevant in the United States.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Qualitative analysis of extensive and specialized bibliography. 

RESULTS: This study finds that the knowledge gap begins with differential socialization and development of girls and boys, who are presented with stereotypes that permeate and influence their perceptions, professional choices, and performance in the workplace. Fewer girls than boys choose engineering as a field, and after the first 20 years of service, greater than 30% of women have not remained in the engineering field. Even when women are technically prepared, they may experience stereotype threat, which can adversely impact their performance in the field.   

CONCLUSIONS: This article argues that there are many reasons women remain an underrepresented group in engineering, an area of ​​knowledge considered of extreme importance during this century. We believe that when men and women are performing equitably in all relevant modes of decision-making, including determinants of large budgets, advancements in science, and solutions to current problems, society will be able to advance in material more effectively. It is necessary to continue building alliances, discussing negative stereotypes, and driving change that explores gender equality as a beneficial movement for society and our countries.

Biografia do Autor

Denise Almeida de Andrade, Centro Universitário Christus - UNICHRISTUS

Ph.D. and master's degree in Constitutional Law. Permanent professor at Centro Universitário Christus - UNICHRISTUS – Ceará, Brazil. Author of the book Family Planning: gender equality and coparenting. ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3243-480X

Monica Sapucaia Machado, IDP

Ph.D. and master's degree in political and economic law. Permanent professor in the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development, and Research - IDP in Brasília and São Paulo, Brazil. Author of the book Women's Law: Higher Education, Labor, and Autonomy. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1473-1042

Chiquita Howard-Bostic, Shepherd University, West Virginia (US)

Associate Vice President of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Chair at the Department of Sociology, Criminology and Criminal Justice. Associate Professor of Sociology at Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, West Virginia (US). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9314-8957


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Como Citar

Andrade, D. A. de, Machado, M. S., & Howard-Bostic, C. (2020). Women, engineering and gender equality: Brazil and United States pathway. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Políticos, 121, 171-202. https://doi.org/10.9732.2020.v121.842


