3 maio 2022 - 15h53

Seminar AI & Law

A doutoranda em Direito Caroline Maciel foi convidada pela Prof. Charlotte Alexander da Georgia State University a apresentar os resultados parciais da sua tese de doutorado em seminário no dia 12 de maio, de 14h30 – 15h30 (no horário de Brasília).

Flyer com as informações em anexo e link do Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/4374691240

Caroline is a Brazilian academic who is currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan. She uses NLP and machine learning to work on government transparency, civil society, and corruption. I’ve attached a draft of a shortened version of her dissertation in English, though she would like everyone to know that this is partial and an early translation, so please excuse any mistakes. Her dissertation is focused on successful cases of AI in public policy, including in Brazil, Uganda, Indonesia, and Colombia. She was also part of a team developing a web platform that uses data science to help civil society organizations influence political behavior.